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Press Log

Interested to learn about recent activity of Fairfax police officers and calls for service in our community?  You can read all the details, in PDF format, by clicking the Media Bulletin link below.

To read the report, please note that the date and incident number are combined in the boldface number on the right of the page. For example, the following Incident number is read as follows:

1810280018  indicates:

  • the first two digits indicate the year, so "18" stands for the year 2018
  • the next two digits indicate the month, so in this example "10" stands for October
  • the next two digits show the day of the month, so "28" stands for the 28th
  • the final four digits are for the incident or call number of the report.

So the example 1810280018 indicates that incident number 018 occurred on Oct 28, 2018.

Have any questions, or need archived information? Just stop by the station and speak to our dispatcher for assistance.

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