Home Check Program
Did you know that the Fairfax Police Department will watch your residence while you are away?
Whether you are leaving town for a few days, or a few weeks, wouldn't you feel better if someone was checking your home for you? The Fairfax Police Department has been providing this service to our community for well over 40 years.
What we do
Our parking enforcement team or a Police Officer will come by your house as time permits while you are away to check things out for you. If they find something out of the ordinary, or wrong, they will either call you or one of your listed emergency contacts.
Home Security checks entail a visual check (we walk the perimeter of your home and outbuildings) ensuring that vehicles, gates, lighting and the general security of the home is intact and in accordance with the request. Exterior areas of your home that are not accessible will not be checked. We do not feed pets, water lawns/gardens or collect mail or newspapers. Whenever a Home Security check reveals something suspicious, our civilian employees are trained to back out of the immediate area and request a patrol officer be dispatched to investigate further.
When home checks are made
Home Security checks will be performed, as staffing allows, with the goal of checking the home 2 to 3 times each week that you are gone. Upon your return, you will receive a letter and checklist detailing the dates/times that your home was checked along with any notations made by our employees. It is important to note that a Home Security Check does not guarantee the safety or security of your property, nor does it mean that the Fairfax Police Department is in any way responsible for the property in your absence. We do not provide this service to commercial businesses; vacant homes; homes for sale or those with a live in house sitter.
Request a home check
- Download and complete the form.
- Mail or drop off your form at our office - 142 Bolinas Road, Fairfax, CA 94930
You can also come to the police station to request and fill out the form, we are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you return earlier than notated on the form, be sure to advise us; otherwise be prepared to show identification to an Officer upon request.
I am proud to be able to continue this valuable service to our community that was instituted at least 40 years and 6 Police Chief’s ago.