How to Run for Office

The next Fairfax General Municipal Election is November 5, 2024 for the election of three (3) Council Members.

Before you start

The nomination process can be complicated and filing deadlines are strict. It is a good idea to file your candidate documents early. This way, you usually have enough time to correct any mistakes before the deadline.

Candidate Eligibility

To be eligible to run for office you must be:

  1. A Town of Fairfax resident
  2. A registered voter in the Town of Fairfax.
    1. You can register or confirm that you are registered by contacting the Marin County Elections Office.
  3. A U.S. citizen
  4. 18 yeas or older

Nomination period

July 15, 2024 - August 9, 2024

This is the filing timeline for Candidate Nomination papers.


1. Make an appointment to get your candidate documents.

State law requires us to issue candidate documents in-person. You need to make an appointment with the Town Clerk to pick them up.

You can pick up your paperwork by appointment starting July 15, 2024.

The appointment takes less than 30 minutes. Schedule your appointment by email or phone:

2. Meet with the Town Clerk's Office to get documents and learn about the process.

At your appointment, we'll review the nomination process with you. We’ll go over the required documents, deadlines, and rules. This includes topics like:

  • Collecting signatures
  • Writing your ballot designation and candidate statement
  • Filing your statement of economic interest and other campaign finance reports

3. Complete your documents.

You will need to complete multiple forms and worksheets, including:

  • Official filing form: You will need to obtain signatures of at least 20 Fairfax voters.
  • Ballot designation worksheet: The ballot designation goes under your name on the ballot. It describes your occupation or if you are an incumbent.
  • Candidate statement form: Your candidate statement helps voters learn your qualifications. It’s included in the Voter Information Pamphlet that’s mailed to all voters in town.
  • Statement of economic interest (Form 700): State law requires candidates to disclose investments and interests in real property. This is also referred to as a Form 700. Refer to the FPPC Form 700 webpage for instructions on how to complete your statement.

We will explain each form to you during your initial appointment. If you have questions while completing your documents, contact us for assistance.

4. File your completed documents by the deadline.

The deadline to file your nomination documents is August 9 by 4 p.m. You need to do this in-person at the Town Clerk’s office located at 142 Bolinas Road.

If you file early, we can verify the signatures and let you know if there are any issues. If needed, you can collect more signatures.

If an incumbent who is eligible to seek reelection does not file nomination papers by the deadline, the deadline for that office only is extended to August 14.

5. File campaign finance reports as needed.

You need to file forms with financial details of your campaign. You may need a campaign treasurer and designated bank account. Your filing requirements depend on how much you raise and spend on your campaign.

The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) mandates the campaign filing requirements for local candidates. The Town Clerk serves as the filing officer for local campaign disclosure statements.

Candidates are required to disclose certain economic interests, and must file periodic campaign reports. Failure to file appropriate statements and reports can result in criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. Failure to file within prescribed deadlines can also lead to monetary penalties for each day a statement is late. The appropriate forms will be provided to candidates by the Town Clerk.

Candidate Intention Statement (Form 501)
A candidate for local office must file this form prior to solicitation or receipt of any contribution or expenditure of any personal funds used for the election. The form is filed with the Town Clerk's Office.

Statement of Organization Recipient Committee (Form 410)
A candidate that raises contributions from others totaling $2,000 or more during a calendar year must file an original Form 410 with the Secretary of State to disclose campaign bank account information and to receive a campaign committee identification number. A copy of the form is filed with the Town Clerk's Office.

Recipient Committee Campaign Statement (Form 460)
A candidate who has a controlled committee, or who has raised or spent or will raise or spend $2,000 or more during a calendar year in connection with an election to office, will be required to file this form periodically prior to and following the election.

Campaign Statement – Short Form (Form 470)
Candidates who do not intend to raise or spend $2,000 in a calendar year in conjunction with their candidacy will file a Form 470 with the Town Clerk's Office.

Statement of Economic Interests
Candidates are required to file a Statement of Economic Interests Form 700 disclosing all reportable investments, interests in real property and income. Please be aware that all statements, and information submitted in conjunction with the statements, are a matter of public record and available for review by any requester.

The Political Reform Act, in part, provides that:

  • Receipts and expenditures in election campaigns should be fully and truthfully disclosed in order that the voters may be fully informed and improper practices may be inhibited. (Gov. Code §81002(a))
  • Assets and income of public officials that may be materially affected by their official actions should be disclosed, and in appropriate circumstances the officials should be disqualified from acting in order that conflicts of interest may be avoided. (Gov. Code §81002(c))

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