Planning Commission

The Planning Commission consists of seven Fairfax residents appointed by the Town Council. The Planning Commission is responsible for bringing a broad variety of expertise and experience in reviewing:

  • Planning applications
  • Fairfax ordinances
  • The Town General Plan and Housing Element.

The Planning Commission serves as an advisory body to the Town Council on planning policies and regulations.

The Planning Commission meets the 3rd Thursday of every month in the Fairfax Women’s Club at 7:00 p.m.


Member Position Term Expiration
Cindy Swift Member 12/31/26
Mimi Newton Member 02/28/25
PJ Feffer Vice Chair 12/31/26
John Bela Member 07/30/27
Brett Kelly Member 05/31/27
Robert Jansen Chair 02/07/28
Daniele Petrone Member 05/31/28

To contact the Planning Commissioners, please send your email to Linda Neal, Principal Planner.

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