Category: Renters and Landlords

2024 Annual General Adjustment Reminder

Annually, the Town of Fairfax adjusts the maximum rent increase percentage. Starting September 1, the maximum percentage for increasing rent to applicable residences (see this applicability chart) will change to 2.85% from 2.52%. The maximum annual rent increase is called the Annual General Adjustment (AGA). Under the Town’s Rent Stabilization ordinance, the AGA is set at … Continued

2024 Annual General Adjustment Announcement

Annually, the Town of Fairfax adjusts the maximum rent increase percentage. Starting September 1, the maximum percentage for increasing rent to applicable residences (see this applicability chart) will change to 2.85% from 2.52%. The maximum annual rent increase is called the Annual General Adjustment (AGA). Under the Town’s Rent Stabilization ordinance, the AGA is set at … Continued

Fairfax launches Rent Stabilization Initiatives: Here’s what you need to know

The Town has initiated partial implementation of the Rent Stabilization program with two initiatives. Keep in mind, rent increases are not permitted unless authorized by the Annual General Adjustment (AGA) or through a hearing process. Hearing Process Chapter 5.55 (Rent Stabilization Program) of the Town Code now provides for a hearing process for the consideration … Continued

Town Council meeting recap | February 29, 2024

Photo credit: Martha E. Ture, Mt. Tamalpais Photography February 29, 2024 Highlights 79 Wood Lane Appeal The Town Council held a public hearing on an appeal regarding the building project located at 79 Wood Lane. The appellant and their legal representative joined the meeting to participate in the discussion. Following public comment and deliberation, the … Continued

Town Council meeting recap | January 24, 2024

Photo credit: Martha E. Ture, Mt. Tamalpais Photography January 24, 2024 Highlights Zoning amendments to certain chapters of Title 17 (Zoning) of the Fairfax Municipal Code to implement Program 2-A (Workforce Housing Overlay) Jeff Beiswenger, Planning and Building Director, and Dyett and Bhatia consultant, Andrew Hill delivered a presentation to describe the proposed zoning changes … Continued

Town Council meeting recap | December 6, 2023

Photo credit: Martha E. Ture, Mt. Tamalpais Photography December 6, 2023 Highlights Reorganization of Town Council: Selection of Mayor and Vice Mayor At the December 6, 2023, Town Council meeting, the Council selected Council Member Barbara Coler to serve as the Town’s new Mayor and Council Member Lisel Blash to serve as the Town’s new … Continued

Town Council meeting recap | September 6, 2023

Photo credit: Martha E. Ture, Mt. Tamalpais Photography September 6, 2023 Highlights Special meeting item—the Wall Property The Council authorized the Mayor and Vice Mayor to negotiate and execute an agreement with the Marin Open Space Trust (MOST) regarding the exploration and possible purchase for open space of the 100-acre property commonly known as the … Continued

Town Council meeting recap | August 2, 2023

Photo credit: Martha E. Ture, Mt. Tamalpais Photography August 2, 2023 Highlights Certification of Initiative Petition regarding Fairfax Just Cause Eviction and Rent Stabilization Ordinances The Council accepted and filed the Certificate of Sufficiency of Initiative Petition. After over two hours of public comment and discussion, the Council voted 4-1 to submit the Measure to … Continued

Take our Survey for the May 6 Just Cause Evictions Workshop

To help us prepare for the workshop and focus the discussion on the aspects of the just cause eviction ordinance that residents prioritize for amendment, please take our pre-workshop survey by April 23, 2023. Since November 2022, the Town of Fairfax has heard from a portion of its community that they would like to amend … Continued

Rent Stabilization and Just Cause Eviction FAQ’s

Rent Stabilization and Just Cause Eviction FAQs have been prepared by Legal Aid of Marin in connection with the Town of Fairfax. We hope they are helpful to the public. While they may not answer every question, we hope they provide answers to frequently asked questions. Frequently Asked Questions Exemption Table Just Cause Evictions for … Continued

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