Photo credit: Martha E. Ture, Mt. Tamalpais Photography
September 6, 2023 Highlights
Special meeting item—the Wall Property
The Council authorized the Mayor and Vice Mayor to negotiate and execute an agreement with the Marin Open Space Trust (MOST) regarding the exploration and possible purchase for open space of the 100-acre property commonly known as the Wall Property.
Read the Staff Report
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Marin Countywide Electric Vehicle Acceleration Strategy
The Council heard a presentation on the Marin Countywide Electric Vehicle Acceleration Strategy. Town staff was directed to revise the target goal for zero emission vehicles and develop a work plan to be brought back to Council at a future meeting.
Read the Staff Report
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Just Cause Evictions and Rent Stabilization Ordinance amendments
The Council adopted an ordinance revising Town Code Chapters 5.54 ‘Just Cause Evictions’ and 5.55 ‘Rent Stabilization Program.’ The adopted revisions go into effect October 6, 2023, 30 days after adoption.
Read the Staff Report
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Residents’ Petition regarding costs associated with Ordinance Nos. 870 and 871
Staff discussed the costs to date and the summary of cost estimates for implementation included in the current Budget (page 44 of the pdf posted online). The Town Council directed staff to bring back a written report on the costs to date and noted that firmer estimates will be available when the Council decides to move forward with implementation.
Read the Staff Report
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Consent Calendar
All consent calendar items were approved.
Read the Staff Reports
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Learn about our Town Council meetings
Town Council meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at the Fairfax Women’s Club and online. We occasionally hold special meetings.
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