Take our Survey for the May 6 Just Cause Evictions Workshop

Posted on April 12, 2023

View of Downtown

To help us prepare for the workshop and focus the discussion on the aspects of the just cause eviction ordinance that residents prioritize for amendment, please take our pre-workshop survey by April 23, 2023.

Since November 2022, the Town of Fairfax has heard from a portion of its community that they would like to amend its new Just Cause Evictions Ordinance. This workshop is an opportunity to identify, discuss and prioritize potential amendments to the ordinance. If you are a Fairfax resident, including tenants, landlords and property managers, your participation and recommendations are encouraged.

Join the neutral facilitators online on Saturday, May 6, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to approximately 3:00 p.m. We may not need the full five hours, so please make sure to show up on time. We will share the Zoom meeting link and call-in details by email in advance of the workshop. For those of you wanting to watch the workshop without participating, it will be broadcast on the local government channel and livestreamed.

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