Town Council meeting recap | July 17, 2024

Posted on July 19, 2024

Photo credit: Martha E. Ture, Mt. Tamalpais Photography

July 17, 2024 Highlights

Conduct Interviews and Consider Appointments to the Planning Commission

The Town Council interviewed two candidates to fill a vacancy on the Planning Commission at the June 5 and July 17 regular meetings. The Council voted to appoint Daniele Petrone to fill an unexpired term on the Planning Commission.

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 Presentation and Update on Bridges Projects

The Town Council heard a presentation from Director of Public Works, Loren Umbertis and consultant Nadar Tammiere. The presentation included status updates on bridge projects and future work to be included.

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Authorize Town Manager to Award Contract to Miller Pacific Engineering Group for Design and Administration Services for Tamalpais/Berry Retaining Wall, Not to Exceed $182,000; Authorize Town Manager to Solicit Bids for Construction and Authorize Town Manager to Award Contract for Construction to not exceed $400,000

The Town Council authorized Town Manager Abrams to enter into a contract with Miller Pacific Engineering for design work related to the Tamalpais and Berry Trail Retaining Wall. The Council also voted to authorize Town Manager Abrams to solicit bids for construction work needed for the Tamalpais and Berry Wall Retaining Wall.

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Receive Proposed Five-Year Streets and Roads Improvement Plan Assuming Fairfax Voter Approved Bond Measure of Estimated $18 million

The Town Council heard a presentation from Public Works Director Loren Umbertis and consultant Joe Ririe, Senior Principal Engineer and President of Pavement Engineering. The presentation highlighted an updated 5-year Streets and Roads Plan with a voter approved bond measure.

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Adopt the Resolution of Necessity and Waive First Reading and Read by Title Only Ordinance No. 890 Ordering the Submission of a Measure Incurring Bonded Indebtedness to the Voters at the November 2024 General Municipal Election

In previous discussions during Town Council meetings, the Council directed staff to bring forward for consideration a general obligation bond measure. Following a presentation from Town Manager Abrams, the Council adopted the resolution. The ordinance will be brought back at the August 7 regular Town Council meeting for its second reading and possible adoption.

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Consider and Approve Agreements for Town Attorney Services

The Town Council approved agreements with Public Agency Law for general services and Best Best and Krieger Law for special services.

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*Item 6. Consider Adopting a Resolution Establishing a Pilot Program for Short-Term Special Events on Private Property was continued to a date uncertain.

Learn about our Town Council meetings

Town Council meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at the Fairfax Women’s Club and online. We occasionally hold special meetings.

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