FAQ Topic: Just Cause - Landlords

Can my tenants sublease to other tenants without my approval?

You may set the maximum number of occupants for your unit in the original lease. If your tenant requests to sublease their unit, you may refuse their request in writing within 14 days of receiving said request. You must state the reason for your refusal, which may not be based on the proposed additional occupant’s … Continued

Am I covered by Fairfax’s Just Cause Evictions Ordinance?

Fairfax’s ordinance will cover most tenants. However, there are several exclusions from the law. If your units fall into one of the following categories, Fairfax’s Just Cause Evictions Ordinance does not apply to your tenants: Dorm rooms Mobile homes in mobile home parks Hotel rooms and short-term rentals, if your tenant stayed in the unit … Continued

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