Mandatory Recycling and Organics Law
In 2016, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 1383 into law to keep food and other compostable materials ("organics") out of landfills to reduce emissions that contribute to climate change.
As of January 2022, all California residents and businesses are required to compost all organic waste. In addition, this law requires certain food-producing businesses to donate excess edible food to reduce organic waste.
Please visit the CalRecycle website and Zero Waste Marin website for more information on the new law.
To file a complaint about an entity that is non-compliant with the requirements of SB 1383, please fill out this form.
How does this new law affect me?
The new law will affect everyone differently! Please click on the icon most appropriate to find out how this new law may affect you.
Why is this law important?
Climate change has contributed to severe drought, wildfires, and extreme heat in California. Methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change, is emitted into the atmosphere when compostable materials like food, paper, and yard waste are buried in landfills instead of composted or recycled.
In addition, when food scraps and yard trimmings are sent to a composting facility instead of a landfill, they are turned into compost, a valuable resource farmers and gardeners use to grow healthy food. The State law aims to reduce organics going to landfill by 75% by January 1, 2025.

How do I comply?
Subscribe to composting service with Marin Sanitary Service! Representatives are available at (415) 456-2601, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
What should I compost?
If you can eat it, you can compost it! Remember, that all other organic materials are also compostable, not only food waste. See below for examples of what to put in your composting bin:
- Food and food scraps such as fruit, vegetables, meat, bones, shells, dairy, and leftovers
- Plant material such as grass, flowers, leaves, branches, and wood
- Food-soiled paper such as paper towels, napkins, and delivery pizza boxes

What shouldn't I compost?
The City of San Rafael's compost hauler WM Earthcare produces high quality compost used to grow organic food. Which is why, we CANNOT accept any plastics labeled as compostable or bio-degradable because they take twice as long to breakdown as the natural compostable materials, and
Please DO NOT put any of the following items in your green cart for compost:
- NO compostable or bio-degradable plastics, bags, cups, containers, and utensils.
- NO diapers, pet waste, human waste and poison oak
Please visit the Marin Sanitary Service website for a complete list of what you can and should not be put into your compost bin.