County Commission on Aging Seeks New Fairfax Representative

Posted on June 14, 2021

Interested in supporting the well-being of older adults in your community and throughout Marin County? Care about issues related to health, nutrition, housing, transportation, equity and public policy? The 23-member commission promotes the dignity, independence and quality of life of older persons through advocacy, information, programs and services. It serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors and works closely with the County’s Office of Aging and Adult Services on behalf of Marin’s older adults, persons with disabilities and family caregivers.

If you’re a resident of Fairfax  and at least 18 years old, please consider applying for the Town’s seat on the County’s Commission on Aging. The incumbent Fairfax Commissioner, Jody Timms, is nearing the end of her second term and ready to step down. Persons of color and/or persons with fluency in Spanish, Vietnamese, or Farsi are highly encouraged to apply.

The Fairfax Commissioner is appointed to a three-year term  by the Fairfax Town Council. If interested, please submit an application to the Town Clerk  here. You can get a paper application at Town Hall or by emailing the Town Clerk

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