What is Allowed to Operate Under the Current Regional Stay Home Order?

Posted on December 18, 2020

As of, December 8 at 12pm, the State of California’s Regional Stay Home Order is in effect for Marin County. Under the Stay Home order, all gatherings with members of other households are prohibited, except as expressly permitted in the State’s Regional Stay Home order. The intent of the order is to reduce gatherings and activity in our communities to stop the spread of COVID-19. The Regional Stay Home Order asks all individuals to stay home or at their place of residence as much as possible, except to complete only the most essential tasks, like go to the doctor, buy groceries, take your child to school, go on a hike, or worship outdoors.
The Regional Stay Home Order affects business operations in several industries. Here is an overview of businesses that must close, modify operations or can continue under the order. For further clarification, please visit the State of California’s Regional Stay Home Order webpage.
Arts & Entertainment
  • Allowed to operate, with restrictions: Industries, studios, and other related establishments such as establishments that provide content for professional broadcast can operate without live audiences.
  • Must close, both indoor and outdoor operations: Museums, movie theaters, family entertainment centers, cardrooms.
  • Allowed to operate, with restrictions: All construction sites and construction business office operations.
Faith Services & Cultural Ceremonies:
  • Places of worship, cultural ceremonies and political expression is allowed in outdoor environments only.
General Office Space:
  • All office space should allow for remote-only operations except for critical infrastructure sectors where remote working is not possible.
Gyms & Fitness Studios:
  • Allowed to operate, with restrictions: Outdoor gyms, fitness studios, and related classes (e.g., dance, yoga, etc).
  • Must close: All indoor gym and fitness studio operations
Hotels, Motels & Hospitality
  • Short term lodging facilities are allowed to operate for COVID-19 mitigation and containment measures, treatment measures, provide accommodation for essential workers, or providing housing solutions, including measures to protect homeless populations.
  • Hotels and lodging cannot accept or honor out-of-state reservations for non-essential travel, unless the reservation is for at least the minimum time period required for quarantine and the persons identified in the reservation will quarantine in the hotel or lodging entity until after that time period has expired.
Outdoor Recreation
  • Allowed to operate, with restrictions: Outdoor recreational facilities and sites may operate for the purpose of facilitating physically distanced personal health and wellness through outdoor exercise, without any food, drink or alcohol sales. Outdoor recreation facilities include parks, skate parks, sports courts (e.g., basketball, tennis), playgrounds and related facilities.
  • Must close: Overnight stays at campgrounds will not be permitted.
Personal Care & Hair Services
  • Allowed to operate, with restrictions: Medically prescribed massage (e.g., with referral from physician or physical therapist)
  • Must close, both indoor and outdoor operations: Hair Salons, Barbershops, Nail Salons, Tattoo parlors, piercing shops, tanning salons and related businesses.
Restaurants, Wineries, Bars
  • Allowed to operate, with restrictions: Restaurants: Take-out and Delivery only
  • Must close, both indoor and outdoor operations: Wineries, bars, breweries and distilleries (does not serve food) must close.
Retail & Malls
  • Allow indoor operation at 20% capacity with entrance metering and no eating or drinking in the stores. Additionally, special hours should be instituted for seniors and others with chronic conditions or compromised immune systems. Food courts and common areas should close.
  • Libraries follow retail guidelines: indoor operations may continue at 20% capacity with entrance metering and no eating or drinking in the branch locations.
School Services
  • Allowed to remain open and provide on-site classroom-based instruction to students.
Childcare & Youth Programs
  • Childcare programs are permitted continue.
  • Youth programs are permitted to continue
  • Youth sports are restricted to outdoor activities only limited to individual conditioning and training activities where physical distancing and mask wearing can be enforced.
Still have questions? Review the County’s Frequently Asked Questions page developed from top questions received by our call center.
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