Traffic Enforcement Update – Cascade Drive

Posted on February 5, 2020

Due to repeated complaints from residents of speeding cars on Cascade Drive, as well as stop sign violations at the intersection of Cascade and Laurel we have focused our attention in this area as we do throughout the entire town based on need or community concern.  While we have heard complaints that the police are never in the area, I can assure you we have had an increased presence in the area since the Cascade project began.  Just because individual residents may not have seen us, that doesn’t mean we weren’t there.  I’m sure many have seen us and appreciate the efforts.

While we have not observed any enforceable speeding issues, we have observed that many motorists are not adhering to the three stop signs at the intersection of Cascade and Laurel.  This is a common problem throughout town.  When we provide visible patrols (in marked police cars) in the area there is 100% compliance at the stop signs.  However when we observe traffic in unmarked police vehicles there is a definite lack of compliance.

As an example on a recent undercover survey of the stop signs for violations we counted 40 cars during a 15 minute period.  The results were:

21 came to a complete stop;

12 failed to stop at the stop sign and would have been cited;

7 came almost to a stop and would have been given a warning.

Other undercover surveys yielded very similar results.

While we would prefer to not issue citations, the results of this conclude that there is an issue as described.  The violators are residents, friends or visitors to our community.   We generally cannot commit all our efforts in just one area for lengthy periods of time.  We just don’t have the staffing nor the time to do that.

It however is now time for Cascade and Laurel to get some focused attention.  Special enforcement may start as early as tomorrow. Due to the nature of the area, this will entail using police officers in unmarked cars making the observations and calling it in to another officer in a marked police car to stop the violators and issue citations.  Violators are often stopped quite a distance from the actual violation.  Just because you don’t see us at the intersection, doesn’t mean we are not there conducting enforcement.

It is my hope that this advance notice will help gain compliance.  As stated, we would prefer our community adhere to the rules of the road and reduce resident complaints resulting in no need to resort to citations to gain compliance.

— Chief Morin

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