Town Replaces Gas Water Heaters with Heat Pump Water Heaters

Posted on July 25, 2022

The Town recently enrolled in Willdan’s heat pump water heater (HPWH) electrification program and replaced its gas water heaters in the Public Works, Police Station, Women’s Club, Pavilion, and Fire Department buildings with new HPWHs. Thanks to PG&E and MCE match funding for the program, the Town was able to have this work completed at zero net cost and is expected to reduce electricity usage by 42,120 kWh per year, gas usage by 4,919 therms per year, and lifecycle GHG emissions by 181 metric tons CO2e.
The Town will continue to pursue building electrification initiatives for all its facilities to reduce energy usage, utility costs, and emissions.
How can you participate?
 Single-family households and multifamily property owners can also swap their gas appliances for electric appliances like HPWHs to reduce energy usage, utility costs, and emissions. Heat pumps alone can reduce electricity consumption for heating and cooling by over 60% as they are much more energy efficient than traditional appliances. If you’re an MCE customer, then switching to electric appliances can significantly reduce your household emissions, especially if you enroll in their Deep Green program that sources 100% of the energy from wind and solar. The costs of electric appliances continue to become more affordable and residents can take advantage of several rebates and incentives offered by MCEElectrify Marin, PG&E, and BayREN to make the upfront cost of these appliances even more affordable.
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