PG&E New Watch and Warning Notifications

Posted on September 25, 2020

Watch Alert 
Whenever possible, an initial Watch notification will be sent two days in advance of a potential PSPS event, followed by an additional Watch notification one day before the potential PSPS event, notifying customers of the possibility of a PSPS event in their area based on forecasted conditions.
Warning Alert 
A PSPS Watch will be upgraded to a Warning when forecasted conditions show that a safety shutoff will be needed, and that it is going to happen soon. Whenever possible, Warning notifications will be sent approximately four to 12 hours in advance of the power being shutoff.
Both Watch and Warning notifications are directly tied to weather forecasts, which can change rapidly. For example, predicting the time and area of landfall for tropical storms and hurricanes in the southeast United States.
As an example of how notifications have been improved for 2020, customers will see an estimated time when their power will be restored two days before it goes out. Last year, that estimated time of restoration wasn’t provided until the power had been turned off.
Watch and Warning alerts will be issued via automated calls, texts and emails. Both Watch and Warning alerts have been enhanced since 2019, tested with customers, adjusted based on their feedback, and will now provide new essential information, including:
  • Your address so you know you’re getting the accurate information for your home.
  • The date and time when power is estimated to be shut off. (For example, between 6 and 10 p.m. on Oct. 7.)
  • The estimated date and time when we expect power will be restored. (For example, by 4 p.m. on Oct. 9)
When power is turned off, PG&E will provide updates to customers at least once a day until power is restored. Power will remain off until the weather has passed, and equipment has been inspected. PG&E is seeking to cut restoration times in half compared to 2019 so that power is restored to the majority of customers within 12 daylight hours after severe weather has passed. PG&E will send a final notification once power has been restored.
Helpful Links:
PG&E’s emergency website ( available in 13 languages.
Customers are encouraged to update their contact information and indicate their preferred language for notifications by visiting or by calling 1-800-742-5000, where in-language support is available.
Tenants and non-account holders can sign up to receive PSPS ZIP Code Alerts for any area where you don’t have a PG&E account by visiting
PG&E has launched a new tool on our online Safety Action Center to help customers prepare.
For more information on PG&E’s wildfire safety efforts, visit .
For a seven day look-ahead for potential Public Safety Power Shutoff Please use this link
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