Learn about the progress being made so far to acquire the Wall Property

Posted on March 18, 2024

March 9, 2024 Fundraiser

The community continues to come together to fundraise to acquire the Wall Property! The Fairfax Open Space Committee (FOSC) hosted a fundraiser event on March 9th. The featured speaker was Wendy Dreskin, a long term educator and writer about the environment and conservation in Marin, a renowned recipient of the Terwillinger Environmental Award and 2018 inductee into the Marin County Women’s Hall of Fame. She spoke about the fauna and flora on the Wall Property. Other speakers included Bill Long, Chair of the Marin Open Space Trust (MOST), Christine Kelly of PossumsWelcome.org, and Chance Cutrano, Councilmember and head of the Marin Chapter of the Sierra Club. About fifty people attended the event. Many thanks to FOSC and our speakers!

March 16, 2024 Fundraiser

In the early evening on Saturday, March 16th, several businesses in Fairfax hosted a fundraising tour of their shops and restaurants, they served refreshments, raffled off gift baskets, and some donated a portion of their proceeds —- all to benefit the Wall Property acquisition! It was a great event with many Fairfaxians and visitors in attendance.

On the ground

The current owners of the Wall Property have posted a sign at the Marinda Trail to remind folks that it is private property and to use the land “softly”. They will soon have a landscape company repair damage that was done to the property by some users.

Image of \"Private Property\" sign on Wall Property

Support the Cause

Donations for the acquisition of the Wall Property can be made through MOST’s website, with all contributions being tax-deductible. The Town Council Subcommittee (Councilmember Cutrano and Mayor Coler), alongside MOST, the County, and FOSC, continues to strive towards acquiring the property for the community.

Your support and participation are vital as we work towards preserving this valuable open space.

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