Housing Element Environmental Impact Report Notice of Preparation – Public Comments due by 5:00 pm September 26

Posted on September 23, 2022

The Town of Fairfax is well underway with the preparation of its State-mandated update to its General Plan Housing Element. An update to a General Plan requires an environmental review of the potential effects of the amendment on the existing physical condition (e.g., land, air, water, traffic, noise, etc.) within the area of potential impact. It has been determined that the level of environmental review for the Housing Element Update project is the preparation of a Program-level environmental impact report (EIR).

Pursuant to State law, a 30-day Notice of Preparation (NOP) Scoping period is required to allow related agencies, community members, and interested citizens an opportunity to comment on the issues that should be studied and included in the Draft EIR. The 30-day NOP review period began on August 26, 2022 and will end on September 26, 2022. A Scoping meeting was held on September 13, 2022 to provide an overview of the Housing Element project, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process and related environmental review, and to receive comments from interested citizens regarding what issues should be considered in the EIR.

Your comments will be received in writing and by email through September 26, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. to Town Manager Heather Abrams at Town of Fairfax, 142 Bolinas Road, Fairfax, California 94930, habrams@townoffairfax.org.

You may also submit your comments online and read the documents here: https://fairfaxspeaks.com/public-comments-comentarios-publicos

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