Defensible Space Evaluations Coming to Multiple Fairfax Neighborhoods

Posted on August 23, 2021

Uniformed Inspectors will conduct defensible space and home hardening evaluations on residential properties in multiple Fairfax neighborhoods starting the week of August 23. (see attached map). This is being conducted by the Ross Valley Fire Department in partnership with neighboring fire agencies and the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA).

A comprehensive report for your property will be available to you online 24 hours after your property’s evaluation. The report will provide steps to reduce your property’s vulnerability and improve your safety from wildfires. Some actions outlined in this report are required by law.

We encourage residents to accompany the inspectors for a socially distanced tour of their property to find areas that could be improved for defensible space and home-hardening. If nobody is home, that’s OK! Inspectors will evaluate the property from the road/driveway and leave instructions to retrieve your online report.

Please contact or (415) 275-1185 with any questions.

Defensible Space Map


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