The Affordable Housing Committee will meet this Wednesday, September 8th, from 3:30-5:30pm.
Topics such as the “Missing Middle” housing approach and ensuring compliance with AB 686 (Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing) will be discussed. The Committee will also look at preliminary site analysis materials including a map showing potential areas that could allow for additional housing dependent upon zoning changes. An update on outreach and engagement efforts will be provided.
The agenda and meeting materials can be found on the Town’s Public Meetings webpage.
On September 22nd, there will also be a joint Town Council/ Planning Commission meeting with continued discussion on the progress of the Housing Element Update. We encourage all to attend.
If you cannot attend the meetings, want to learn more about the Housing Element Update, and/or want to provide more feedback, we encourage all those who live and work in Fairfax to visit the website . To fully interact on the Fairfax Speaks website, registration is recommended. The purpose of the Fairfax Speaks website is to act as a streamlined source of key details, documents, and public engagement tools regarding the Housing Element Update. It also provides links to important public meeting agendas and materials that are on the Town of Fairfax website.