FAQ Topic: Flood & Emergency FAQs
The Department of Public Works provides sand, shovels and bags for use by residents to prepare for rain and storms. DPW asks that the material be used for the private use of residents only. The pile is off of Bank Street and Elsie next to the skate park.
The siren was intended for flood use. However, it might be used for other emergencies such as a wild land fire. Also, the sirens are tested on the first Friday of every month at 11:45 AM. Between February 1st and July 31st only the Corp Yard siren is tested. The Fairfax Grade siren is not … Continued
If you are told to evacuate, follow the instructions of emergency personnel. They will tell you if you should go to the Pavilion or another shelter location. Not all shelters are open during a disaster.
There is no standard storm event. Each storm is unique as the creek reacts quite differently depending on the rate of rainfall, the ground saturation, the areas receiving the most rainfall, and the duration of the rainfall. Each storm/flooding event is different and calls have to be made for each event based on the available … Continued
Our ability to notify residents and merchants of pending storms and flooding danger has improved exponentially over the last few years, since the last major flood event of 2005. This includes the Telephone Emergency Notification System (TENS) (http:www.alertmarin.org) operated by Marin County Office of Emergency Services (OES). Residents are encouraged to sign up for this … Continued
The flood siren is reserved to alert all residents and merchants that flooding is imminent. Many times during a storm the water level hovers around 5 feet, sometimes for days. Were the flood siren to be sounded each time the creek level gets to 5 feet, for example, it could be necessary to sound it … Continued
The protocol is to sound the flood siren when flooding is imminent, which in Fairfax, is at 7.2 feet. When the siren is sounded, residents and merchants are advised to proceed immediately to a higher floor or to higher ground. There is also a protocol with our neighboring town San Anselmo, that if they sound … Continued