Am I covered by Fairfax’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance?

Fairfax’s ordinance will cover many residents. However, there are several exclusions from the law. If you rent a unit that falls into one of the following categories, Fairfax’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance does NOT protect your tenancy:

  1. Single-family homes (where only one rental unit exists on the property)
  2. Condominiums
  3. Properties built after February 1, 1995
  4. Dorm rooms
  5. Mobile homes in mobile home parks
  6. Hotel rooms, if you stayed in the room for less than thirty days
  7. Hospitals, medical facilities, and other facilities where people receive care
  8. Rental units which a government agency or authority fully owns, operates and manages
  9. Units where the rent is limited by a legally binding restriction that restricts rent to no more than affordable rent.
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