Several new tools are now available for homeowners interested in building an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) in Fairfax. Help is available whether a property owner wants to generate extra income, create more housing for the local workforce, or house family members.
ADU Marin is a new partnership between Fairfax, 9 other local cities and towns, and the County of Marin. The group launched a step-by-step website and workbook along with a webinar series to guide people through the process of building an ADU.
The website covers each step of the process, from thinking about building to permits and construction. It features stories from homeowners who have built an ADU and renters now living and working in Marin, along with more than a dozen floorplans. Plus, there is a calculator to figure out what it might cost and what rent could be. The workbook goes deeper into the process and is full of exercises, checklists, and activities. Whether a homeowner needs to brainstorm ideas, choose a contractor or rent their finished ADU, they will find answers each step of the way.
To introduce the new tools, an online webinar will be held on November 5 from 6:30-8 p.m.
- November 5 – Mill Valley, Ross, Fairfax, unincorporated Central Marin. Register online.
Creating more housing options, especially affordable units, is a top priority of the cities, towns, and County of Marin. ADU’s are an important way to create more housing in Fairfax while maintaining our special character.