Town Council Meeting: November 2, 2016

Nov 2 2016

7:00 pm Fairfax Women’s Club

Fairfax Women's Club - 46 Park Road, Fairfax 94930

Fairfax Women’s Club, 46 Park Road
Wednesday, November 2, 2016, at 7:00 p.m.
Preceded by a Special Meeting in Open Session at 6:15 p.m.
Preceded by a Special Meeting in Closed Session at 5:15 p.m. at Town Hall, 142 Bolinas Road

SPECIAL MEETING, Town Hall, 142 Bolinas Road

5:15 PM – Call to order and adjourn to closed session

Reconvene in Women’s Club

SPECIAL MEETING, Fairfax Women’s Club, 46 Park Road

6:15 PM – CALL TO ORDER the Special Meeting – ROLL CALL

  1. Interview and Appointment of Artist-in-Residence for two-year term – Recreation and Community Services Manager

REGULAR MEETING, Fairfax Women’s Club, 46 Park Road


Recognition of Warren Karlenzig for Pavilion Parking Lot Green Infrastructure Project – Mayor Goddard

Presentation on Fairfax Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update of 2016 – Alta Planning


  1. Accept Financial Statement and Disbursement Reports September 2016 – Finance Director
  2. Approval of minutes for the October 5, 2016 Town Council meetings – Town Clerk
  3. Adoption of a Resolution Adopting the 2016 Update of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan – Planning DirectorBPAC
    Attachment 1
    Attachment 2
  4. Approval of Town Council Meeting schedule for calendar year 2017 – Town Clerk
  5. Approval of removal of two parking spaces on Broadway at the northeast corner of the Broadway/Bolinas intersection – Town Manager

COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS (Brief announcements and reports on Councilmember assignments, committees and activities, including reports from meetings attended at Town expense)



  1. Adopt a Resolution Approving a Methodology for a Traffic Impact Study for a 10-lot residential subdivision of the property known as the “Wall” Property (APN #’s 001-150-12, 001-160-09, 001-171-51 and 001-251-31) – Planning Director


  1. Receive report on the Town Center Workshop #2 and discuss/consider next steps – Town ManagerPlanning Director
    Attachment 1
    Attachment 2
    Attachment 3
  2. Discussion regarding possible amendments to Town Code Chapter 8.44 Clean Indoor and Outdoor Air and Health Protection – Smoking Regulations – Mayor Goddard, Town Manager
  3. Introduction and First Reading By Title Only of an Ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Fairfax Amending Chapter 8.04 of the Fairfax Municipal Code, Adopting by Reference the 2016 California Fire Code (California Code Of Regulations, Title 24, Part 9), the 2015 International Fire Code, and Appendix A of the 2015 International Wildland-Urban Interface Code, Together with Certain Additions, Insertions, Deletions and Changes Thereto,  for the Purpose of Prescribing Regulations Governing Conditions Hazardous to Life and Property from Fire or Explosion; Providing for the Issuance of Permits for Hazardous Uses or Operations; and Establishing a Fire Prevention Bureau and Providing Officers Therefor and Defining their Powers and Duties – Town ManagerFire Chief
  4. Introduction and First Reading by Title Only of an Ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Fairfax Amending Chapter 15.04 of the Town Code and Adopting by Reference the 2016 California Building Standards Code, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Parts 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 and 12, which consists of the California Administrative, Building, Residential, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Energy, Historical Building, Existing Building, Green Building Standards, and Referenced Standards Codes, and Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code Together with Certain Additions, Insertions, Deletions and Changes Thereto – Building Official
  5. Review and discussion of the Town’s zero waste goals – Town ManagerZero Waste Committee
  6. Adopt a resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of Town of Fairfax 2016 Certificates of Participation to refinance certain Town of Fairfax CalPERS Retirement obligations for the purpose of generating savings to the Town’s General Fund – Town ManagerFinance Director
    Attachments 1 and 2
    Attachment 3
    Attachment 4
    Attachment 5
    Attachment 6



  1. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the approval of certain lease financing documents in connection with the sale of Town of Fairfax 2016 Certificates of Participation to refinance certain Town of Fairfax CalPERS Retirement obligations for the purpose of generating savings to the Town’s General Fund  – Town ManagerFinance Director

Reconvene Town Council

  1. Discussion/consideration of Planning Commission recommendations regarding short-term rentals – Town ManagerPlanning Director


December 30, 2018
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