Town Council Meeting: July 13, 2016
Jul 13 2016
7:00 pm Fairfax Women’s Club
Fairfax Women's Club - 46 Park Road, Fairfax 94930
Fairfax Women’s Club, 46 Park Road
Wednesday, July 13, 2016, at 7:00 p.m.
Preceded by a Special Meeting in Closed Session at 5:00 p.m. at Town Hall, 142 Bolinas Road
REGULAR MEETING, Women’s Club, 46 Park Road, Fairfax
- Proclamation in honor of Tom Fong – Councilmember Weinsoff
- Accept Financial Statement and Disbursement Reports May 2016 – Finance Director
- Approval of minutes for the May 20, June 1 and 14, 2016 Town Council meetings – Town Clerk
- Adoption of a Resolution Making Certain Findings and Determinations in Compliance with Section XIIIB of the California Constitution (Gann Initiative) and Setting the Appropriation Limit for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 – Finance Director
- Reappointment of Michael Ardito and Ruth Horn to Fairfax Open Space Committee – Town Clerk
- Acceptance of Marin Sanitary Services First Quarterly Report (January-March 2016) first quarterly report – Town Clerk
- Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager or His/her Designee to Execute Grant Funding Contracts/Agreements with Caltrans for the Parkade and other future street projects – Town Manager
- Approve the installation of a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) system at the mid-block crossing on Sir Francis Drake Blvd. between M&G Burgers and the Fairfax Market – Town Manager
- Endorse the ballot initiative “California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act of 2016” to add a $2 tax on tobacco-related products, including cigarettes and e-cigarettes, to fund existing Medi-Cal programs, tobacco education programs for California public schools, healthcare research conducted at California universities, and public safety efforts – Councilmember Coler
COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS (Brief announcements and reports on Councilmember assignments, committees and activities, including reports from meetings attended at Town expense)
- Introduction and First Reading by Title Only of an Ordinance Amending Fairfax Town Code Chapter 9.28 (‘Social Host Accountability’) to add Controlled Substances – Mayor Goddard
- Approve permanent bike rack configuration on the corner of Broadway and Bolinas – Town Manager
- Adoption of a Resolution adopting the FY16-17 Operating and Capital Improvement budgets for Fiscal Year July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 and Providing for the Appropriation of Expenditures in Said Budgets and Repealing All Resolutions in Conflict Herewith – Finance Director
Budget Part 1
Budget Part 2
Budget Part 3 - Adoption of a Resolution Calling a Special Municipal Election to be Held in its Jurisdiction on November 8, 2016, for the Purpose of Submitting to Voters a General Tax Measure to Continue a Retail Transactions and Use Tax for an Additional Period of Ten Years and Increasing the Rate of Said Tax from 1/2% to 3/4%; Requesting the Marin County Board of Supervisors to Consolidate Said Election with the Statewide General Election to be Conducted on the Same Date and to Permit the Elections Department to Provide Election Services; and Setting Rules for Arguments and Rebuttals for and against Said Measure – Town Manager
- Award contract for construction of Class I Bike Lane from Glen Drive to White Hill Middle School’s athletic field (Lefty Gomez) along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard to complete the Fairfax Bicycle Spine Project – Town Manager
Supplemental Item
- Update on retrofit of streetlights with LED fixtures – Town Manager
- Receive report regarding use of planning facilitator for the August 6th Town Center Plan Workshop #2 – Planning Director