Planning Commission Meeting: June 18, 2020

Jun 18 2020
May 28, 2020
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7:00 PM, THURSDAY JUNE 18, 2020


Cable TV Channels 27 and 99

All Town of Fairfax public meetings will be conducted using teleconferencing or other electronic means consistent with State of California Executive Order Nos. N-25-20 and N-29-20 to protect public health while still maintaining transparency and public access, the Town will not offer an in-person physical meeting location for the public. The public will be able to view the meeting on television and online as usual and participate in the meeting by teleconference and e-mail  

Members of the public may join or watch the meeting live using any of the following options:

Zoom telephone call in: +1 669 900 6833

Webinar ID: 842 7052 1962

Members of the public may provide public comment during the meeting using ONE of the following options:

  • Using the public comment form directly below the live stream meeting on the town website.
  • Emailing with the agenda item # in the subject line. Comments received by email or web form prior to the close of the public comment period for an item will be read into the record, subject to the same 3 minute time limit as in-person spoken comments, which is approximately 400 words.  Comments received after the agenda item is heard but before the close of the meeting will be included as part of the record of the meeting but will not be read aloud. Comments will be read verbatim.  
  • On Zoom, select the Raise Your Hand function during the public comment time and you will be unmuted when it is your turn to speak.
  • If you are calling in, press *9 during the public comment time and you will be unmuted when it is your turn to speak.

Comments on matters not on the agenda must be submitted prior to the time the Chair calls for such comments.

Prior to the meeting, as always, members of the public may submit written comments to the Planning Commission.  These comments will be a part of the meeting record, but they will not be read out load at the meeting. 




The Chair shall maintain order at the meetings in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order and the Commission has the responsibility to be a model of respectful behavior in order to encourage community participation and citizen input at Commission meetings.  The Commission and the audience are expected to refrain from using profane language and/or ridiculing the character or motive of Commission members, staff, or members of the public and to maintain the standards of tolerance and civility.


Anyone wishing to address the Commission on matters not on the agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the Commission, must do so by e-mail in the manner described above. Please state the matter on which you wish to speak. Matters not appearing on the Commission’s agenda will not receive action at this meeting but may be referred to staff for a future meeting. Presentations will be limited to three minutes, or as otherwise established by the Commission Chair. Persons are not required to give their name or address, but it is helpful for speakers to state their name for the record and whether or not they are a Fairfax Resident in order that the Secretary may identify them. 

Conduct:  All interested persons are invited to participate in public hearings.  In order to give all interested persons an opportunity to be heard and to ensure the presentation of all points of view, members of the audience should: (1) Limit presentation to three minutes; (2) Provide their comments by e-mail as described above; (3) State view and concerns succinctly; and (4) Submit any new documents to the Planning Staff, first, via e-mail to be entered into the record.


There are no consent items on the agenda. 


1. 1573 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.; Application # 20-5

Request for a Use Permit for an outdoor seating area adjacent to an existing restaurant; Assessor’s Parcel No. 002-213-10; Highway Commercial CH Zone; Lori and Brian Bruckner, applicants/owners; CEQA categorically exempt, § 15301(a) and 15303(e). (Principal Planner Neal)

2.  Consideration/recommendation to the Town Council of a digitized version of the Ridgeline Scenic Corridor Map (Visual Resources Map No. 9). (Planning Director Berto)


3.  Discussion of Objective Design and Development Standards


4.  Minutes from the April 16th and May 21st, 2020 Commission meetings. 





Staff reports:  Staff reports and associated materials will be available for public review on the Town website at the Saturday before the meeting.

Court Challenges: If you challenge the matter(s) described above in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this Notice, or in written correspondence delivered at, or prior to the above referenced public hearing [Govt. Code section 65009(b)]. 

If an item is continued, it is the responsibility of interested parties to note the new meeting date.  Notices will not be sent out for items continued to a specific hearing date. 

Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Planning Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection on the Town’s website at “” subject to the staff’s ability to post the documents before the meeting. 

Accommodation:  If you need accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting due to a disability, please contact the Town Clerk at (415) 453-1584 a minimum of 48 hours prior to the meeting. 

The Final Agenda will be posted on the Friday evening before the hearing at the Fairfax Post Office, the Women’s Club and Town Hall.  Items shown on this notice may be taken out of order so all interested parties should be at the meeting at 7:00 PM.

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