Open Space Committee – Special Meeting: June 1, 2020

Jun 1 2020



Monday, June 1, 2020 at 7 p.m. 

By Teleconference and Videoconference Only 

Fairfax Open Space Members: 

Michael Ardito, Co-Secretary 

Chris Borjian 

Charles Cornwell, Treasurer 

Chance Cutrano Brad Handel 

Ruth Horn, Co-Secretary 

Jack Judkins, Vice Chair 

Susan Pascal Beran, Chair 

Jonathan Sicroff 

Dahlia Siegel-Zigmund, Youth Member (ex officio) 


Consistent with State of California Executive Order Nos. N-25-20 and N-29-20 and the Marin County Public Health Officer’s Orders directing residents to shelter at home, this meeting will be held via teleconference only. There will not be an in-person physical meeting location. 

Members of the public may watch, listen, and participate in the meeting as follows: 

Watch on Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 385 556 8697 

One tap mobile 

+16699009128,,3855568697# US (San Jose) 

+13462487799,,3855568697# US (Houston) 

To speak during the public comment period, select the Raise Hand icon and you will be added to the speaker queue, and unmuted when it is your turn. 

Listen by telephone: dial *67 (1-669) 900-9128. At the prompt, enter meeting ID 385 556 8697# 

To speak during the public comment period, press *9 and you will be added to the speaker queue, and unmuted when it is your turn. 

SPECIAL MEETING (Starts at 7 p.m.) 

1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Susan Pascal Beran, Chair 

2. Approval of Agenda and affidavit of posting 

3. Open Time for Public Expressions (The public is welcome to address the Committee at this time on matters not on the agenda. Please be advised that pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the Committee is not permitted to take action on any matter not on the agenda, unless it determines that an emergency exists, or that the need to take action arose following posting of the agenda. Each speaker is limited to three minutes and a spokesperson for an organization is limited to five minutes.) 

4. FOSC Continuing Business (updates, discussion and possible action on): (a) Spring Lane properties near Sky Ranch; (b) Victory Village; (c): Marinda Heights/Wall property; (d) 200 Toyon Drive; (e) Upper Ridgeway Trail; (f) Town information and interaction with FOSC 

5. Concept to Amend General Plan Land Use Designations and Rezoning Town Owned Open Space (discussion and possible action) 

6. Review of Assignments and Reports from FOSC Committees / Subcommittees (discussion and possible action) 

7. Treasurer’s Report 

8. Impact of Cancelled FOSC Film Night and “Give Back Tuesday” (discussion and possible action) 

9. FOSC Outreach, Merchandise and Nature Walks (discussion and possible action) 

10. Open Space Fuel Loads and Fire Safe Marin (discussion and possible action): Susan Pascal Beran 

11. Discussion: New Housing Accountability Laws (and Impacts on Open Space) 

12. Reports of activities from partner agencies such as San Anselmo Open Space Committee (SAOSC); Bay Area Open Space Council; Marin Open Space Commission; Marin Conservation League: FOSC representatives (discussion and possible action) 

13. Approval of FOSC Meeting Minutes from previous meetings (discussion and possible action): Michael Ardito 

14. FOSC 2020 Calendar Updates, Quorum Check, Agendas, Format/Location for Next and Future FOSC Meetings This Year (discussion and possible action) 

15. Adjournment 


May 28, 2020
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