Just Cause Eviction Ordinance Workshop
10:00am - 3:00pm

Join the neutral facilitators online on Saturday, May 6, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to approximately 3:00 p.m. We may not need the full five hours, so please make sure to show up on time.
You may register online and request any accessibility accommodations, as needed. Registration will help us know how many people plan to attend the Workshop and make sure it is not limited; you do not need an Eventbrite account to register for the workshop.
Registration is recommended but not required.
Zoom Meeting Details
- Join virtually: Zoom link
- Meeting ID: 820 2891 0343
- Passcode: 842540
- Phone: +1-669-900-6833
Since November 2022, the Town of Fairfax has heard from a portion of its community that they would like to amend its new Just Cause Evictions Ordinance. This workshop is an opportunity to identify, discuss and prioritize potential amendments to the ordinance. If you are a Fairfax resident, including tenants, landlords and property managers, your participation and recommendations are encouraged.
Thank you to the over 200 people who took our survey to help prioritize topics for discussion.