Fairfax Community Rosh Hashanah Celebration

SepSeptember 10 2021

5:30pm - 7:00pm Peri Park Redwood Stage

16 Park Road, Fairfax , CA 94930

Please join the Fairfax community celebra6on of Rosh Hashanah the ‘Jewish New Year’

Rosh Hashanah provides an opportunity for families and friends to gather in celebra6on and hope for a sweet new year.

The New Year is a 6me to reflect on the past year and set inten6ons for a happier and healthier year ahead.

All are welcome to par6cipate and learn the Jewish tradi6onal rituals as well as share stories of your own cultural or spiritual New Year’s tradi6ons.

This is a celebra6on of the sweetness of life!

**Please plan on wearing masksImage of apples and pomegranates

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