Awakening Creativity painting workshop with Wawī Amasha

Wawi was born and raised in Kenya and currently resides in the Bay Area. She specializes in acrylics and digital painting. Her African paintings are a dynamic and colorful representation of village life in her native Kenya, portraying lively landscapes and people with intricate textures and patterns. Her distinctive style exudes a peaceful and joyous atmosphere which weaves the audience into the homeland. Her work captures the beauty and reverence for the planet within African culture, which is a way of life that treasures the natural world by living symbiotically with Nature. She advocates for the preservation of indigenous life and organic farming through permaculture. I grew up at a time when colonialism had taken roots in the African culture, displacing age-old natural and symbiotic ways of life. I feel grateful to have known and lived these ways of life. After moving to America, I recognized a great disparity between the childhood I knew, and the misinformation America and the rest of the world was producing about Africa. My work is dedicated to the ancestors who kept the culture alive, those who continue to tell our stories, to the future generations, and to those who are willing to learn the truth about Africa.
Workshop Outline
In this workshop we will be taking an imagery journey to Africa. We will create a simple painting of the setting sun and emphasis will be placed on the beautiful colors and silhouettes of the African savanna’s sunset.
I will have ready painted example of a sunset painting for reference. I will guide you through the process. Think of it as art therapy. We do a painting together, but the point is to relax and enjoy the process.
Materials List
- Medium size rectangular canvas.
- Brushes
- Three primary acrylics paints (red, yellow, ultramarine and white) NO OIL PAINTS please!!
- Small container for brush water
- Small rug/ cloth for wiping.
Registration is required. Please register at