Fairfax, Calif.

Town Manager


Heather Abrams
142 Bolinas Road
Fairfax, CA 94930
Monday thru Thursday

Administration consist of the Town Manager, Human Resources, Risk Management functions.  Fairfax operates under a Town Council-Town Manager form of government.

Heather Abrams joined the Town of Fairfax as Town Manager on March 1, 2022.

The Town Manager is appointed by the Town Council and carries out the policies enacted by the Town Council and is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Town government. Specific duties include preparing an annual budget for the Town Council and managing all the Town functions which include police, public works, finance, planning, building inspection, code enforcement, and recreation and community services.  The Town Manager also represents the Town on various joint power authorities (JPA) such as the Ross Valley Fire Department and the Marin Hazardous and Solid Waste JPA. The Town Manager currently functions as the Town’s Public Works Director, Risk Manager, and Human Resources Manager.

We publish a newsletter with information about what is happening in Town - everything from Town Council updates, road construction/updates as well as events and classes. Sign up below if you would like us to add you to the list!

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